Before an emergency arises or five minutes after one happens,
we will be there when you need us!

We are Experts in Oil Spill Response Consulting, Training, and Staffing.

Our projects range from regional response programs for identified geographical areas to complete contingency plans and response capabilities on a national level.

Oil Spill Containment Crew & Equipment


Our consultation services help folks determine when, where, and how best to use different Oil Spill Response equipment. With many years of experience, you can count on us as a reliable consultant.

Oil Spill Clean Up Crew Training


We offer comprehensive training, guidance, and support to individuals and teams responsible for operating the equipment. We know this stuff like the back of our hands, and our services reflect that.

Oil Spill Response Office Staff on Phones and at Computers


Our staff’s experience in the field of Oil Spill Response equips us to provide the best possible solution to each emergency. You can trust that you’ll receive top-tier support from only the best experts.